Editorial team
Julio Cesar Magalhães de Oliveira
He's a historian and professor of Ancient History at USP. He's written Potestas Populi" (Brepols, 2012) and Sociedade e Cultura na África Romana (Intermeios, 2020), and co-organized Ancient History from Below (Routledge, 2022) with Cyril Courrier.
Marcio Monteneri
Associate editor
He's a PhD student in Social History at USP. His research focuses on the graffiti of Ostia from the 1st to the 4th centuries AD as a form of expression among subordinate groups. He is the editor of Boletim Subalterno, the newsletter of the research group.
Jessica Brustolim
She is Master's student in Social History at USP. She carries out research on the Moguntiacum curse tablets as a popular practice. She is one of the editors of the Books section.
Rafael Monpean
A PhD graduate in Social History from USP, he concentrated on sensory transformations within North African cities during Late Antiquity, with a specific focus on subaltern experiences. He is one of the editors of the Books section.
Giovan do Nascimento
PhD in Social History from USP. He explored the repercussions of exile on the communication practices of Nicene clerics in Vandal Africa, drawing upon the writings of Fulgentius of Ruspe. Serving as Associate Editor from 2021 to 2022, he now contributes as one of the editors overseeing the Books section.
Isabella Casteleti
A graduate student in History at the University of São Paulo, she focuses her research on the representations of working women in epitaphs from Ostia spanning the 1st century BC to the 2nd century AD. She holds the role of associate editor for Boletim Subalterno, the newsletter of the research group.
Michele Santos
A graduate student in History at USP and a recipient of the PUB scholarship within the "Digital Subalternities" Project of the research group "The Subaltern and the Popular in Antiquity," she serves as the editor in charge of conducting interviews for the project's blog.
Pedro Benedetti
A graduate student in History at USP and a recipient of the PUB scholarship within the "Digital Subalternities" Project of the research group "The Subaltern and the Popular in Antiquity," she serves as the editor in charge of conducting interviews for the project's blog.
Fale conosco
Para entrar em contato com os editores, fazer críticas e sugestões, escreva para: subalternos@usp.br ou use o nosso chat.